Expropriation without compensation
AfriForum reacted to commentary this morning by Peter Dutton, the Australian Minister of Home Affairs, that South African farmers’ applications to immigrate to Australia will possibly enjoy priority attention, by saying that this is a serious charge against the South African government. According to Alana Bailey, Deputy CEO of AfriForum responsible for international liaison, the…
The Constitutional Court today found in favour of a group of Zimbabwean farmers assisted by AfriForum, that former President Jacob Zuma was acting unlawfully and unconstitutionally when he together with other leaders of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) took part in the suspension and dissolution of the SADC tribunal’s activities. According to AfriForum, the…
The civil rights organisation AfriForum believes Pres. Cyril Ramaphosa, the government and the ruling ANC should seriously reconsider their policy with regard to the expropriation of private property, especially in the light of the warning that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) issued yesterday in this regard. The IMF stated that it is optimistic about South…
AfriForum is continuing with its campaign to inform international governments and opinionmakers of the threat to property rights and farm murders in South Africa, in spite of criticism voiced against this organisation by Lindiwe Sisulu, the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation. AfriForum rejects her allegations that it is spreading false information and sparking panic….
The civil rights organisation AfriForum believes Pres. Cyril Ramaphosa, the government and the ruling ANC should seriously reconsider their policy with regard to the expropriation of private property, especially in the light of the warning that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) issued yesterday in this regard. The IMF stated that it is optimistic about South…
AfriForum’s response in reaction to President Cyril Ramaphosa’s statement that those who would like to mobilise the international community against “their own country”, should “come back home for inclusive dialogue”, is that the President should not confuse South Africa’s interests with the ANC’s policies. According to Kallie Kriel, CEO of AfriForum, the latter organisation is…