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AfriForum investigating legal action regarding expropriation without compensation
The civil rights watchdog AfriForum has notified Parliament in writing that the organisation will consult its legal team regarding the option to declare the process which entails that Section 25 of the Constitution be amended to empower the state to expropriate property without compensation as illegal. This follows after attempts by the parliamentary committee – which…
AfriForum welcomes Constitutional Court judgment that Zuma acted unlawfully by taking part in suspending SADC tribunal
The Constitutional Court today found in favour of a group of Zimbabwean farmers assisted by AfriForum, that former President Jacob Zuma was acting unlawfully and unconstitutionally when he together with other leaders of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) took part in the suspension and dissolution of the SADC tribunal’s activities. According to AfriForum, the…
AfriForum launches international petition against property rights threat in South Africa
The civil rights organisation AfriForum will today launch a website where members of the public can support a petition aimed at encouraging governments and foreign investors to place pressure on the South African government not to continue with expropriation without compensation. This action arises from the recent approval of a motion in parliament that began…
Ramaphosa should take IMF warning about property rights to heart
The civil rights organisation AfriForum believes Pres. Cyril Ramaphosa, the government and the ruling ANC should seriously reconsider their policy with regard to the expropriation of private property, especially in the light of the warning that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) issued yesterday in this regard. The IMF stated that it is optimistic about South…
AfriForum reveals new information on land ownership, as well as memorandum to international community on expropriation without compensation
The civil rights organisation AfriForum will send a delegation to the USA next week to launch the first leg of the organisation’s international campaign against expropriation without compensation. The organisation plans on meeting with government representatives, research institutions, the media and potential investors abroad. AfriForum plans on mobilising the international community to pressurise the South…
AfriForum submitted its comments on the proposed policy on the selection of beneficiaries and allocation of land today, and reiterated that the civil rights organisation intended launching several legal actions against expropriation without compensation, if necessary. In the legal opinion that AfriForum submitted to the Director-General of Rural Development and Land Reform today, it is…