Expropriation without compensation
The civil rights organisation AfriForum today announced that it will intensify its campaign, both within South Africa and abroad, against expropriation without compensation. This follows the ANC’s announcement yesterday, 21 May, that they will attempt to implement expropriation without compensation within the framework of Section 25 of the Constitution, while the process to amend Section 25…
AfriForum’s response in reaction to President Cyril Ramaphosa’s statement that those who would like to mobilise the international community against “their own country”, should “come back home for inclusive dialogue”, is that the President should not confuse South Africa’s interests with the ANC’s policies. According to Kallie Kriel, CEO of AfriForum, the latter organisation is…
AfriForum reacted to commentary this morning by Peter Dutton, the Australian Minister of Home Affairs, that South African farmers’ applications to immigrate to Australia will possibly enjoy priority attention, by saying that this is a serious charge against the South African government. According to Alana Bailey, Deputy CEO of AfriForum responsible for international liaison, the…
Expropriation-without-compensation-A-Disaster-in-waiting Post Views: 687
The civil rights organisation AfriForum said today at a media conference in Pretoria that the information which this organisation is currently spreading in the international community on expropriation without compensation and farm murders, is based on facts that confirm that there is a serious threat to property rights and human lives in South Africa. This…
The civil rights watchdog AfriForum has notified Parliament in writing that the organisation will consult its legal team regarding the option to declare the process which entails that Section 25 of the Constitution be amended to empower the state to expropriate property without compensation as illegal. This follows after attempts by the parliamentary committee – which…