AfriForum’s reaction to Ramaphosa-viewpoint regarding the mobilisation of international support

AfriForum’s reaction to Ramaphosa-viewpoint regarding the mobilisation of international support

AfriForum’s response in reaction to President Cyril Ramaphosa’s statement that those who would like to mobilise the international community against “their own country”, should “come back home for inclusive dialogue”, is that the President should not confuse South Africa’s interests with the ANC’s policies. According to Kallie Kriel, CEO of AfriForum, the latter organisation is…

Ramaphosa should take IMF warning about property rights to heart

Ramaphosa should take IMF warning about property rights to heart

The civil rights organisation AfriForum believes Pres. Cyril Ramaphosa, the government and the ruling ANC should seriously reconsider their policy with regard to the expropriation of private property, especially in the light of the warning that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) issued yesterday in this regard. The IMF stated that it is optimistic about South…

AfriForum comments on proposed Tshwane Land Management Policy

AfriForum comments on proposed Tshwane Land Management Policy

AfriForum submitted comments on the City of Tshwane’s draft land management policy regarding the alienation and expropriation of immovable property on 6 August 2018. Regional public meetings on this policy were held and the public could submit comments to the city council. “This policy should be in line with the principle of legality, having due…


AfriForum supports campaign against Draft Expropriation Bill

The civil rights organisation AfriForum announced that they will put all their effort into the campaign for the protection of property rights to oppose the Draft Expropriation Bill that was approved by the Cabinet today. Ernst Roets, Deputy CEO of AfriForum, said that the threat to the right to private property is the single biggest…

AfriForum and AfriBusiness host information session in Vryburg on land expropriation

AfriForum and AfriBusiness host information session in Vryburg on land expropriation

AfriBusiness hosted an information session on land expropriation without compensation in cooperation with AfriForum on Thursday evening, 19 April 2018. This session addressed the public’s need to obtain accurate information on the current process of legalising expropriation without compensation.  Armand Greyling, legal and policy analyst for AfriBusiness, warned people to participate in the public participation…

AfriForum and AfriBusiness host information session in Kimberley on land expropriation

AfriForum and AfriBusiness host information session in Kimberley on land expropriation

AfriBusiness hosted an information session on land expropriation without compensation in cooperation with AfriForum on Wednesday evening, 18 April 2018. This session addressed the public’s need to obtain accurate information on the current process of legalising expropriation without compensation. Armand Greyling, legal and policy analyst for AfriBusiness, warned people to participate in the public participation…

AfriForum releases blitz guide against land occupation

AfriForum releases blitz guide against land occupation

AfriForum and AfriBusiness released a guide on land occupation in Pretoria today. The civil rights organisation emphasised at the conference that communities must protect their properties themselves and should not count on Government. This statement is strengthened by changing bills on land expropriation, as well as Government statements that increasingly mirror a Zimbabwean land reform…

AfriForum reveals new information on land ownership, as well as memorandum to international community on expropriation without compensation

AfriForum reveals new information on land ownership, as well as memorandum to international community on expropriation without compensation

The civil rights organisation AfriForum will send a delegation to the USA next week to launch the first leg of the organisation’s international campaign against expropriation without compensation. The organisation plans on meeting with government representatives, research institutions, the media and potential investors abroad. AfriForum plans on mobilising the international community to pressurise the South…

ANC’s plan to steal property places South Africa on Zimbabwean road

ANC’s plan to steal property places South Africa on Zimbabwean road

The civil rights watchdog AfriForum says that the ANC’s decision to amend South Africa’s Constitution to allow expropriation without compensation boils down to a decision to commit theft and to place the country on the same road of destruction that Zimbabwe followed in its violation of property rights. According to Kallie Kriel, CEO of AfriForum,…

AfriForum says true significance of 2018 SONA will only become evident once Ramaphosa honeymoon ends

AfriForum says true significance of 2018 SONA will only become evident once Ramaphosa honeymoon ends

In response to the 2018 State of the Nation Address (SONA) just delivered by Pres Cyril Ramaphosa, AfriForum stated that it will only be possible to judge its contents properly once the President’s political honeymoon comes to an end and the real meaning of his references to, amongst other issues, transformation and land expropriation become…

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