
AfriForum’s reaction to Ramaphosa-viewpoint regarding the mobilisation of international support

AfriForum’s response in reaction to President Cyril Ramaphosa’s statement that those who would like to mobilise the international community against “their own country”, should “come back home for inclusive dialogue”, is that the President should not confuse South Africa’s interests with the ANC’s policies. According to Kallie Kriel, CEO of AfriForum, the latter organisation is…


Ramaphosa should take IMF warning about property rights to heart

The civil rights organisation AfriForum believes Pres. Cyril Ramaphosa, the government and the ruling ANC should seriously reconsider their policy with regard to the expropriation of private property, especially in the light of the warning that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) issued yesterday in this regard. The IMF stated that it is optimistic about South…


Trump tweet: Here are the facts on farm murders and property rights in South Africa

The South African civil rights organisation AfriForum said that US president Donald Trump’s Tweet on South Africa expresses justified concern about what is going on in South Africa, and requested those who doubt this to familiarise themselves with the facts regarding farm murders and the threat to property rights in the country. According to Kallie…


COPE and AfriForum take hands in opposing the amendment of the Constitution

COPE and AfriForum announced today at a joint media conference held in Pretoria that they are joining forces to request that the South African public and the international community apply pressure to stop the ANC/Parliament from acting without a legal mandate from the South African voters in their illegitimate bid to amend the Constitution, to…


Disclosed expropriation list: AfriForum, TAU SA and Sakeliga to develop joint litigation strategy to protect property rights

AfriForum, the agricultural union TAU SA and the business organisation Sakeliga decided to combine their efforts and develop a joint litigation strategy to oppose government’s intended plans to expropriate property without compensation. The decision follows an internal discussion document of the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR) that was provided to AfriForum by…

Increase in international community’s stance against expropriation without compensation

Increase in international community’s stance against expropriation without compensation

AfriForum welcomes the fact that the New South Wales Legislative Council in Australia carried a motion yesterday that strongly condemns expropriation without reasonable compensation (EWC). The motion read inter alia that the Council strongly condemned a) any call for the murder, marginalisation, prosecution, victimisation or targeting of any racial group in South Africa by any…

AfriForum continues with international campaign against expropriation without compensation with handovers to diplomatic missions in South Africa

AfriForum continues with international campaign against expropriation without compensation with handovers to diplomatic missions in South Africa

AfriForum today handed over information regarding land expropriation in South Africa and the civil rights organisation’s concern over government’s intention to legalise expropriation without compensation to various embassies and high commissariats in South Africa. This was done to ask for the support of the relevant countries against suchlike expropriation processes. The more than 50 diplomatic…

Farm murders and expropriation without compensation in the spotlight on Fox News

Farm murders and expropriation without compensation in the spotlight on Fox News

Fox News, the largest television news channel in the USA, aired an interview with Ernst Roets, Deputy CEO of AfriForum, last night in which farm murders and the South African government’s plan regarding expropriation without compensation was placed in the spotlight. On the programme Tucker Carlson Tonight, which is aired during peak time in the…

AfriForum intensifies its campaign against expropriation without compensation after ANC announcement

AfriForum intensifies its campaign against expropriation without compensation after ANC announcement

The civil rights organisation AfriForum today announced that it will intensify its campaign, both within South Africa and abroad, against expropriation without compensation. This follows the ANC’s announcement yesterday, 21 May, that they will attempt to implement expropriation without compensation within the framework of Section 25 of the Constitution, while the process to amend Section 25…

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